LORD OF THE WORLDS: Hybrids Between Two Worlds
Introduction by Karim Grusenmeyer
Throughout my life, my career has been dedicated to art and antiquities. My eye has been the primary tool for appreciation, intuition and emotional connection, which is essential when engaging with a true masterpiece. The piece before us is exactly the kind of object that excites me. Allow me to express my thoughts in a few lines below:
At first glance, this bronze object may seem to possess a certain naivety, reminiscent of a child’s drawing, with its cartoon-like face—or is it a hand? The eyes appear exaggerated, as if bruised from a fight, and the hair stands on end, as if electrified by static. Yet, on closer inspection, it becomes clear that this image is not merely a crude depiction; it is a carefully composed collection of symbols, finely woven together like a visual riddle.
Moreover, when considering that this captivating bronze is nearly 2,000 years old, one is struck by the surreal quality it exudes. How did an ancient artist, isolated in the remote forests of Siberia, dare to portray the mouth as a bear, the eye as a sun, and the hair as animal heads?
At first glance, this bronze object may seem to possess a certain naivety, reminiscent of a child’s drawing, with its cartoon-like face—or is it a hand? The eyes appear exaggerated, as if bruised from a fight, and the hair stands on end, as if electrified by static. Yet, on closer inspection, it becomes clear that this image is not merely a crude depiction; it is a carefully composed collection of symbols, finely woven together like a visual riddle.
Moreover, when considering that this captivating bronze is nearly 2,000 years old, one is struck by the surreal quality it exudes. How did an ancient artist, isolated in the remote forests of Siberia, dare to portray the mouth as a bear, the eye as a sun, and the hair as animal heads?
This artist clearly disregarded realism, instead seeking to give form to a mythical world that he and his contemporaries truly believed in.
This bronze figure transcends ordinary representation, embodying a hybrid form that merges animal, human, and mythical elements into a single, timeless entity. In shaping such a being, the artist captures the essence of a reality where time and space are fluid, and boundaries between worlds are dissolved. Here, the shapeless takes form, and the mythical is realized, revealing a universe where transformation and metamorphosis are the true constants of existence.
Thanks to the work of historian Boris Erenburg, we can now appreciate the deeper meaning behind this enigmatic image. The viewer is invited to explore Erenburg’s essay, « Lord of Two Worlds, » to uncover the symbolic narrative hidden within this ancient work.
Thanks to the work of historian Boris Erenburg, we can now appreciate the deeper meaning behind this enigmatic image. The viewer is invited to explore Erenburg’s essay, « Lord of Two Worlds, » to uncover the symbolic narrative hidden within this ancient work.
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